
Acupressure can greatly contribute to a rehabilitation protocol by promoting analgesia, tissue healing and muscle strength. Acupressure is safe and is well tolerated by most horses.

Acupressure for horses is based on the same techniques as those used for humans. It is a traditional Chinese medicine that works on similar principles to that of acupuncture.

The stimulation applied by fine needles in acupuncture is done with fingertip pressure in acupressure.

The meridian system (energy pathways) in the body has 350 points known as acupuncture or acupressure points.

A blockage of energy flow, or Chi, along any meridian results in health problems and disease. Acupressure re-balances Yin & Yang, excess and deficiency.

Acupressure can also be used to relieve stress prior to an environment change or before a show, as it releases cortisone and endorphins, making it a natural calming method.