Equine sports massage is the therapeutic application of professional sports massage techniques applied to the horse. A thorough understanding of anatomy and the interaction of bones, joints and muscles are the basis of the proven physical and mental therapy that is the art of massage.

  • Equine massage involves the hands on manipulation of the soft tissues of the horse.
  • Massage can improve the healing process of an existing injury or can also be performed on horses which are used in sport to help increase performance
  • Benefits include increased and improved circulation, release of muscular tension and spasm, prevention and relief from adhesions, increased range of movement and overall wellbeing.

From competition horses to happy hackers and treasured family friends, Steph works alongside vets, owners and riders to help maintain their equine partner in top condition.

Equine therapy is often advised by vets for post injury rehabilitation. It not only compliments prescribed medication but can also speed up the healing process.

Steph’s range of treatments include equine massage, stretching and rehabilitation, myo-fascial release and acupressure to support recovery and promote general muscle maintenance and overall wellbeing.

Her holistic approach includes advice on saddle fitting, bitting, nutrition and exercise regimes.